Welcome to Lew’s travel blog

IMG_9111Sometime in the early part of the 5th century BC,  Herodotus traveled to Egypt and published his report of the marvels of that ancient land.  Descriptive travel literature began.

Some people don’t like travel very much.  But for me, a poor kid from Kentucky my life has been a miracle of global travel.

I have visited every state in the lower US, lived in London, Manchester, Geneva and Hong Kong .. and spent months in places like Florence, Moscow, Bombay, Shanghai.  Business and the pleasure of travel has taken me to over 40 countries.

I never was a reporter or a serious picture taker.

But as you see from these posts I have been running the experiment of sharing photos and some comments about the places I visit.   Hopefully they will be useful to someone also thinking about visiting that place, or just interested.

In the summer I live in a beautiful place and usually do not travel. But I do like to move around in the winter.

I hope you will join me on my travels by visiting this web site from time to time.

Lew Crenshaw



Journeys Around the Globe