Touristing around the real Delhi

Out to the National Museum.  Very interesting place but also very foreign with plenty of statues and pictures of the stories of gods we do not know much about.  Ancient jewelry, weapons, coins, etc.


Took one picture.  This wonderful little dancing girl.  4700 years old. Cast in bronze using the lost wax process.  Technology and Art and the human sprit crossing time.


Went to some historic sites.  Notably the fortress/home of the last Mughal Emperors.  Pictures here.  One remarkable thing the pictures do not show is the extensive hydraulic engineering.  The fortress was on the river and they lifted a considerable amount of water fro domestic use, fountains, etc.  But also they flowed water like a stream through all of the buildings, for pleasure and to act as a natural air conditioning.

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Interesting day too.  Rode in a taxi, a tuc tuc and a rickshaw.

We found that the area of our hotel is an oasis of calmness within an ocean of the real Delhi, and here are some pictures.  We missed a million good ones. But you will get the idea.

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