Leaving Delhi today – photos of Lodi Ruins and the Spice Market

Leaving Delhi today.  Posting some photos of yesterday when we were out almost all day.  Walked through some beautiful areas where the rich live.

Difficult to see their big houses though.


All behind walls with guarded entrances.  Often razorwire.

Went down to India gate now that the detritus from the big parade is starting to be cleaned up.

CAM00867A flower shop outside the Christian graveyard.


Made our way to the Lodi gardens, a very nice park.



Not a lot is known about the Lodi.  When some Mughals sacked Delhi in the late 1400’s they killed the entire population.  And from this lesson the Lodi elected never to build a city, but left behind their impressive grave sites.  Who is buried here is unknown.  But the unique buildings remain.

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Braved going to old Delhi again.  This time rode rickshaws around which was much better than walking.  Cathy wanted to go to a very large Mosque, and did.


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Took some pictures of high tech wiring from the rickshaw.

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Then to the spice market. Here are some pictures but I could not capture the exotic smells.

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