Cluj Napoca

Cluj Napoca, the capital of Transylvania.

This city was known to the Greeks as the capital of Dacia. Which fell to the Romans. But the Romans packed up and left before the year 300, so only fragments are left of their colony.

In Medieval times one of the six Saxon cities of Transylvania.  In modern times back and forth between Hungary and Romania, and now within Romania.

The city is within a valley between rolling hills along a fast moving river. Not too big and easy to walk around. Lots of effort is being put into the renovation of of the city:  streets, sidewalks, buildings. But there are also still many rundown buildings that could be wonderful if restored.

As always the communist infrastructure has fallen into ruin and blight. The town gas distribution system throughout the city is (you guessed it) ghastly.

There are some fine buildings here, notably the Orthodox Cathedral.


And the Roman Catholic Basilica.


And to go along with them here are some street photos of some other interesting buildings.  Starting with the opera house.

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One photo I posted on Facebook for my urban planner friends is this impressively designed street accommodating cars, parking, bicycles and pedestrians.


I have enjoyed my visit and time spent in this city. And for future visitors have made up this little catalog of “Things you could do in and around Cluj”

Ride a Romanian train and meet nice people


Find a nice Pub/Restaurant


Go to a Craft market

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Or a farmer’s market

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Walk along the river, or in the hills, or the Park

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Go to the game


Track down history


Or philosophy


Get married

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Make a new friend


Here are some random indoor pictures

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And I must share with you my best pictures from Cluj.

The happy eggs.




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Off tomorrow deeper into Romania.



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