Opatija Croatia

It is early December and the Alps are getting cold, so I have been heading south for warmer weather.



I plan to visit a few towns along the Adriatic coast, and I have started at the top of the food chain: Opatija.


About the same size as Bemidji in permanent population this is a popular tourist destination that reeks of old money.

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The town only dates from the late 1800’s when the railroads opened up this coast, but it was a preferred destination for the Austrian imperial family and nobility. The emperor Franz Joseph used to spent several months here in the winter. He funded the walk along the sea and it is named after him.


The wars and political disruptions of the past century led to some crumbling and decay as the city passed through the hands of the Italians, the Yugoslavians and now Croatia. But the Grand hotels and Villas are here for the Yachties and the privileged to come and be pampered.



The mountains rise so quickly from the sea that although there are a few side streets the town is basically just the two sides of the road.

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The big city of Rijeka is just across the bay.


This road continues through town after town along the coast. The further away from Opatija the more “real” and to me interesting they become.

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If one had a car there are many hotels grand and humble and all between up and down the coast. There are many marinas and water related tourist trips on offer: fishing, visiting islands, submarines, etc.


There are a number of Casinos. Wellness centers and Spas offer massages, treatments and procedures. But there is not much here that interests me. Before the coast was safe enough to populate there were a number of fortified towns in the mountains nearby, first mentioned in the 1400’s. I climb up to visit them. There are the remains of a number of ancient foot paths, very elaborate with set stones, but now eroded such that they are very rough.

And very steep. It is hard to imagine people using them daily carrying trade goods and produce and commodities up and down these trails.

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The towns I find are ruins with a few modern houses around and one nice church from around 1500. But I am rewarded with some good views and photo ops.

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Since Cathy and I were in Vienna I have been staying in small hotels, living in monkish cloisters, and so I check myself into a 5 star hotel to get the real experience of Opatija. With so little else to say, let me share a few snaps around my hotel, which has been enjoyable.

It is right on the water in the heart of town.


I have a corner room and the morning and evening views are lovely.

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There are plenty of venues to hang out in and relax.

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I never made it to the coffee/sweet lounge, or the Spa. And only came through the Lounge Bar to marvel at this little man who plays away endlessly.


There are things on the breakfast buffet that I usually would not associate with breakfast fare.

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And in case one might have overlooked the idea of champagne at breakfast this agent of the devil tours around the dining room to tempt the unwary onto the road to perdition.


One morning at about 9AM, walking in Volosko I encounter some of his graduates.  IMG_20151202_122429

I have a very long bus ride south down the coast tomorrow. If the bus is comfortable at all it should be very interesting.

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