Some sights on the Croatian coast – 1

By bus is the way you travel on this coast.  I have been exploring travelling south and made it down to Split. I think that of all the places I have visited this fall scouting the Balkans, this area has been the most interesting.


From where I am standing here in Marjan Park, in Split, looking North up the coast, the gap between the island Ciovo on the left and the mainland narrows, and in that gap in around 300 BC the Greeks established Trigir.



Occupied over the years by everyone, today a World Heritage site.


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This was the Roman city just to the North of Split. I had a hard time finding the site although it sprawls over maybe 30 acres. During Roman times it had a population of up to 60,000.   Today, mined for stone, parts cleared for farming, and overgrown with Brambles only the largest of the ruins can be found. But that is still plenty. The Aqueduct, the Forum. Some walls and gates. Bases of the temples and the baths.

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The city survived into the 700’s. Although by then it was occupied by the Byzantines and much of it reconfigured. The Colosseum stood intact into the 1700’s but the Venetians destroyed it for some reason having to do with a war with the Turks.

Today its ruin sits neglected between the highway and a cement plant.

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I prowl around Salona for a long time and see no one else. There is no visitor’s center, no entrance fees, only two signs of explanation. Just the stones, inhabited by escargot and maybe ghosts. In one of the many many rubble piles I assemble in three minutes (and leave behind) these pottery fragments, which I would think would be treasures in some museum. I do pocket a small piece of a child’s toy as a momento.





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