Split 2018

I have just spent a quiet week in Split, mainly enjoying the nice weather and getting outdoors.
As you know, Split is in Croatia, east across the Adriatic sea from Italy. They call this the Dalmatian coast and Split is the defacto capital of the area.

I visited here two years ago and posted pictures and comments on this blog site. You may recall that the most significant thing about Split is that the old city is built on the (significant) remains of the palace of the Emperior Diocletian. He moved his capital here over the decades as the western roman empire fell.

Visitors to Split can be mistaken that this is a small town since the old town is small, very walkable, and just around the harbor. Actually Split is a town of more than 300,000 spreading out inland. But the old town, the cruise ships and the tourists are the story of Split.

The extensive area of stone and marble buildings and medieval squares and lanes around the old palace make Split a very interesting place.

The road up to my apartment.

There are plenty of restaurants and shops. It is difficult to get out of the old town and although the food here is high quality, the tourist prices are also very high.

I have been seeking out some lesser places.

But still not suffering from good opportunities for recreational dining.

I am running the experiment this winter of living in apartments in the cities I am visiting, as opposed to hotels. A little more room, a kitchen, a washer and drier. And so far it is nice, but I am finding it gives me much more alone time than the comings and goings of hotel living.


Marjan Park
One of the big reasons I like Split is that the huge Marian park sits just outside the old town, to the north. Except for the Oceanographic Institute at the tip it is empty and virtually pedestrian only.

There are roads and trails for extended walks.

You can walk along the water.

Or up over the sea or the city.

The last time I was here it was December and too cold. Although the hot wine they served in the streets was a treat. This visit at the end of October hit the weather just right.

But it is changing.  My next report will be from Sicily where it is still hot.


And, a bonus factoid:

The limestone here in many places is comprised of tilted strata, not too thick,

such that it can be (you guessed it) Split!, and used as a building material.


One thought on “Split 2018”

  1. Great post, Lew! It rained so hard when we were in Split, but thoroughly enjoyed Diocletian’s Palace – totally amazing and that he lived to a ripe old age unlike many emperors in those days.

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