Vienna. On the Danube. Voted by the Economist Intelligence Unit as the most livable city in the world three out of the last five years based on stability, infrastructure, healthcare, culture and entertainments.
For 650 years home of the Habsburg dynasty and the Capital city of their various Empires.

Today a big city of about 3 million people covering a large area. But the Old Town is quite small and manageable.

The city is so rich in attractions because the Habsburgs were inclusive of other cultures, staunch supporters of the arts, and collectors.

There are about 100 museums here, many set up to display articles collected by the royal family over centuries.

We visited one of the “other” museums, the collection of artifacts (mainly statues) from Ephesus, which the Austrians have been excavating for 150 years.

The downtown is monumental. Here are some “postcard” photos to give you an idea.

Some notes on Vienna:
o This is an expensive city. Full of tourists, especially in the summer. Here in October the weather is still warm and the press of the tourists way down.
o The city has the most comprehensive public transport system of any city I know. Buses, trains, light rail, metro system.
o The roast pork in Austria is wonderful. Otherwise I am not a fan of German/Austrian food: pounded breaded and fried meat, sausages, goulash, noodles and dumplings and sauerkraut.
o The first (last) time we were here we toured around the city more. Here are some more comprehensive photos and comments about Vienna: Vienna | Lew’s Walkabout (
This time we stopped here for CAMarchand (who just joined me for some winter travels) to get over the jet lag. Our plan is to soon leave Vienna and go down through the alps and look around Slovenia.
Fun pictures, because I love these things.

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