Returned to Izmir so CAMarchand could visit Ephesus, the ancient historic city once on the coast here.

Ephesus was occupied by many different groups since the earliest of times. It was the Roman Capital of Asia Minor, mentioned in the Bible and believed to be the final home of Mary, mother of Jesus.

It was destroyed by an earthquake in about 700AD. It was an important port city throughout its history, but the earthquake that destroyed it moved the seashore miles away, and so the city was never rebuilt. Today they estimate that it is about 20 percent excavated.

The Theater of Ephesus is the largest found among the sites of the ancient world. It would seat 25,000 people. With perfect acoustics you can stand on the stage and snap your fingers and the snap can be heard on the highest row. So the actors could speak their lines and be heard throughout the crowd.

Izmir, the modern city nearby, is the third largest city in Turkey. It was destroyed in the 1920’s and has almost no historic sites. But it is a good base to visit a number of important ones nearby. The city is clean. Has wonderful walking along the bay, warm weather, fish restaurants and two fine Marriott Hotels. I have been here three times and enjoy stopping here.
This previous blog talks more about the city of Izmir, if you are interested:
Izmir and Ephesus | Lew’s Walkabout (
We are leaving tomorrow for some exciting times: our first visit to the Island of Crete. We will visit three cities and have heaps of tours and museums flagged to visit. I will check in from there.
Thanks for coming along.
YAY! what fun!
and great shots of the two of you’s
[even tho you were just a shadow of yourself in the second ‘group’ photo lewis].
looking forward to hearing all your new adventures in crete!