I always enjoy Zagreb. This is maybe my third time here. It is usually a good flight connection from the USA, and the gateway to the Balkans. Very easy to get from here to Slovenia in the North, Bosnia in the south, and the wonderful Croation islands on the coast.

There are some nice green spaces in the town and good sidewalk walking, but over the years the density of the cars has increased a lot.

The severe damage from the earthquake in 2020 is still shows on many buildings, many still under repair, including the cathedral.

I have been staying at the Sheraton for some days using Zagreb as a base to get over the jet lag. The rooms have been much refurbished since my last visit, but sadly they painted and papered over a lot of the wonderful old woodwork that made the hotel so special.
If you think about visiting here you might look among my blog pages where I previously put down much more information about this fine little city.
The food is fresh and real.

And if you look at these (Euro) prices for wine in a local market you will understand that one of the attractions of visiting Zagreb is all of the great things about Europe are here, at bargain prices.

I must put in a note for one of my heroes, Nickoli Tesla. Many places in the Balkans claim connections to him, but especially Croatia, and I always stop to pay my respects.

I am posting these little notes from Zagreb’s delightfully small and manageable airport, waiting to head down into Bosnia and do some more looking at the remnants of the Ottoman culture in Europe.
Thanks for coming along.