Some towns you just like. And little Sibenik is one I like.

Depending upon what administrative district you choose to count there are only say 30 to 40 thousand people here. Just a bump on this coast, which is a continuous narrow strip of houses, apartments, shops, etc.
Tourists come to Sibenik to visit the old Venetian town, that rises straight out of the sea, capped with a fortress.

The main other visitors here are the Yachties. The shoreline around this stretch of coast is a network of islands and channels out into the main Adriatic Sea. Dotted with little villages, it is heaven for them.

At Sibenik there is a peculiar direct east west channel that runs through the islands into the sea, and so the boats can easily come into and out of the harbor. And they do. All sizes of them.

And so, besides the tourists, Sibenik has a constant influx of boats that they serve with cleaning, provisioning, repairing .. and restauranting. This is probably why even around the first of November almost everything is open.
For me this timing has been perfect. Sibenik has been so quiet and calm and uncrowded. I had a fine corner room with the channel to the sea out one side and the old town harbor the other.

And I have had good luck with the weather. Fall is catching up with me here, the temperatures have slowly come down from the mid 70’s into the high 60’s over the week. And some rain, but intermittent showers, so I was able to get out and walk every day.

Besides reading books on the kindle, walking, hanging out and eating … I used the time for chores: twice took laundry to the wash and fold, got some dry cleaning done, searched out a sewing shop and had a pair of trousers repaired. Got a very unfortunate haircut. Life on the road.

Croation philosophy, I guess:

Of course I ate some fishes! Some simple, some elaborate. They are readily available all over town.

There is a lot of Italian food here, but since I am going to Italy next I did not get into it. Nor some of the more exotic local offerings.

I think most people would be seriously bored with SIbenik in two days. But I have really enjoyed my peaceful visit. Here are some random photos around town.

And, that’s it. I will soon fly over to Florence and meet up with the lovely and talented CAMarchand. We have an apartment together for the rest of the month. Near the Central market so there will be cooking and cooking and cooking. I will report again from there.
Thanks for coming along.
Another wonderful city to put on the list. Thank you.
great food, great wine, great times lewis!
and i love the sign … “life is what happens between coffee and wine!”
you and cathy enjoy your time in florence together.
i ‘spect she has it all planned out for you’s!